Category: Infographics
How Does Art Therapy Work
Ever wondered how art therapy works? Here are some core therapeutic factors of art therapy:
Art Therapy vs Talk Therapy
What are the similarities and differences between talk therapy and art therapy? And is one better than the other? On a personal level, as someone who have went through my own healing journey using art, I have also benefited significantly from talk therapy over the years. On a professional level, I have worked within interdisciplinary…
Art Therapy vs Art Class
Art therapy can often be mistaken as being similar to an art class. Especially when working with children, I sometimes have disappointed parents wondering why their child is not practicing a particular artistic technique, or learning about famous paintings. The table below outlines the key distinctions between art therapy and art class. So if your…
Demystifying Art Therapy
When I tell people that I am an Art Therapist, one of the most common responses I get is “so do you interpret people’s drawings?” The answer is no. An art therapist’s role is to foster a safe space for the client to create, reflect and generate insights that may emerge from the artwork, the…